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On Melbourne Cup day David De Haas was a big winner. Landing a Mulloway over a meter in length and 25 kilos fishing along the Wyndham Harbour Rockwall. David was fishing with bait using a full prawn on 16 lb line, 30 lb leader finished with a running sinker jig. That truly is a remarkable fish. We have seen some amazing fish caught off the Rockwall in recent months but this is one of the best of them. Well done David.

As many anglers will know fishing of the Rockwall is now somewhat limited as the local council have installed new fences to keep local fishos out. The feedback we have reviewed from the council is that these measures have been taken place due to litter left on the rocks, abuse to security guards, abuse to yacht operators who have their boats mored at Wyndham harbour and finally due to a pending legal battle of an injury claim. If your looking for a new fishing location than make sure you check out our fishing locations page which has over 150 locations to choose from.

Wyndham Mulloway