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Lake Wendouree is a wonderful fishing destination within the vibrant township of Ballarat. The lake is well known for exceptional trout and redfin fishing as well as its Olympic rowing facilities. You can see our guide here on Fishing Lake Wendouree. However, Lake Wendouree and the city of Ballarat...

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Please find the Trout Stocking Victoria 2024 Schedule. Please note that before each school holiday break, ‘ready-to-catch’ rainbow trout are stocked into designated family-friendly lakes around Melbourne and Victoria. Please remember that a daily bag limit of five trout applies, of which only two can exceed 35 centimetres. This...

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June 2019 marks as a historic day for the Ferntree Gully Quarry Reserve.  The reserve was stocked with a large volume of rainbow trout, Murray cod and golden perch. This is fantastic news and part of the state governments target 1 million and target 10 million campaigns. The local...

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On the 21st of May 2019 Tullaroop reservoir has officially been open kayaks, canoes and electric boats. This is another huge win for kayak fisherman of Victoria. This is all part of the $34 million dollars Target One Million campaign by our State Government. To encourage more people to...

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A scuba diver has been hit and tragically killed by a speeding boat in Port Phillip Bay. The incident happened between Frankston and Mornington on the afternoon of May the 5th. It happened around 1 pm the two scuba divers with flags were struck by a boat speeding past....

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A tornado has ravaged popular fishing destination Lake Purrumbete which is located in Koallah. It has caused an estimated 1 million dollars damage to the local holiday park. The team at FishingMad by coincidence were at the location only 48 hours earlier. Myself and good mate Mark were staying...

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Earlier this week a woman in her 70’s was hospitalised after being bitten by a 100 kilogram seal. This all has taken place near the boat ramps along popular fishing destination Port Fairy. Paramedics on the scene reported that the bite was quite nasty and had indeed gone through...

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April started with great news for local kayakers. On the 11th Barkers Creek Reservoir which is located near the township of Bendigo was officially opened up to Kayaks, Canoes and boats with electric motors. Those electric motors will need to travel below 5 knots. This is all part of...

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On Sunday the 10th of February the Victorian Fisheries received a call around 6.30 am. The call was to go and investigate illegal catch nets within Sanctuary lakes estate. The call placed by a local who watched in horror as locals were planting multiple long fishing traps. Its a...

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State election impact on boating and fishing in Melbourne. Those who know me well would know that I have no tolerance for politics, a place I consider to be full of false promises. However, I did follow our recent state election that was decided on the 25th of November...

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